Exploits Gospel Festival (XGF) is the annual gospel festival organised by the CHILD of DESTINY (CODE) fellowship, in Denmark.
Our theme this year is “TRINITY”
As we worship the GOD in three persons, we believe that as it is in heaven, so shall it be amongst us.
EXPLOITS2024 is a time to encounter and receive the backing of Divinity in our human endeavors and challenges.
The event is FREE! you can register and obtain your free ticket here:
Below is a line-up of our gospel ministers and the host choir.
Exploits Gospel Festival (XGF) er den årlige gospelfestival arrangeret af CHILD of DESTINY (CODE) fellowship i Danmark.
Vores tema i år er “TRINITY”
Når vi tilbeder GUD i tre personer, tror vi, at som det er i himlen, sådan skal det være blandt os.
EXPLOITS2024 er en tid til at møde og modtage opbakning fra Guddommeligheden i vores menneskelige bestræbelser og udfordringer.
Arrangementet er GRATIS! du kan tilmelde dig og få din gratis billet her:
Nedenfor er en række af vores gospelpræster og værtskoret.
The host, CHILD OF DESTINY (CODE), a group of interdenominational Christian youths from Copenhagen and Sweden. looks forward to welcoming you to EXPLOITS2024.
Værten, CHILD OF DESTINY (CODE), en gruppe af tværkirkelige kristne unge fra København og Sverige. ser frem til at byde dig velkommen til EXPLOITS2024.
Oluseyi AJOMALE is an ordained music minister called to impart grace to this generation through praise and worship. She is anointed, engaging, and exciting! She lives in Malmö Sweden with her family.
Oluseyi AJOMALE er en ordineret musikminister kaldet til at give denne generation nåde gennem lovprisning og tilbedelse. Hun er salvet, engagerende og spændende! Hun bor i Malmö Sverige med sin familie.
The International Harvest Christian Church choir, (Harvest Choir) will be ministering this year again. They were a sound to hear and a sight to behold at EXPLOITS2023! Anointed, talented, and inspiring. You should join them as they led us in a session of praise and worship.
International Harvest Christian Church-koret (Harvest Choir) tjener igen i år. De var en lyd at høre og et syn at se på EXPLOITS2023! Salvet, talentfuld og inspirerende. Du bør slutte dig til dem, da de ledte os i en session med lovsang og tilbedelse.
Sharon Omega Williams is a passionate gospel singer from London with Caribbean heritage. Trained by Morris Cerello, she’s sung at conferences with gospel singer Derick Haddon and worship leader Archie Dennis. Join Sharon as she leads us with her unique voice into God’s presence.
Sharon Omega Williams er en passioneret gospelsangerinde fra London med caribisk arv. Hun er trænet af Morris Cerello og synges ved konferencer med gospelsanger Derick Haddon og tilbedelsesleder Archie Dennis. Slut dig til Sharon, mens hun leder os med sin unikke stemme ind i Guds nærhed.
Grace-Anne is a worshipper, singer and song writer who aspires to change lives through the lyrics she writes and the music she makes. Music has always been a way for her to express herself with the gift God gave her. She prays that through this program people will be transformed by the gift of God in the singers and also through the words they will sing. sing.
Grace-Anne er en tilbeder, sanger og sangskriver, der stræber efter at ændre liv gennem de tekster, hun skriver, og den musik, hun laver. Musik har altid været en måde for hende at udtrykke sig med den gave, Gud gav hende. Hun beder til, at mennesker gennem dette program vil blive forvandlet af Guds gave i sangerne og også gennem de ord, de vil synge..
Thai Dans is a group that uses their beautiful culture from Thailand in a dance worship of the Almighty God. Join this beautiful group in a unique worship of God in the beauty of His Holiness.
Thai Dans er en gruppe, der bruger deres smukke kultur fra Thailand i en dansetilbedelse af den Almægtige Gud. Slut dig til denne smukke gruppe i en unik tilbedelse af Gud i skønheden af Hans Hellighed.
Ayo is a multi-talented worshipper of God, she lives in Copenhagen with her family. She loves using her creative abilities (poetry, worship dance, and singing) to edify the church and glorify God. Ayo and the CODE family look forward to welcoming you to XGF 2024.
Ayo er en multitalentet tilbeder af Gud, hun bor i København med sin familie. Hun elsker at bruge sine kreative evner (poesi, tilbedelsesdans og sang) til at opbygge kirken og ære Gud. Ayo og CODE-familien ser frem til at byde dig velkommen til XGF 2024.
Pastor John Bizomenya is from Bujumbura, the capital of Burundi. He became a Christian on May 10, 1994, and has been committed to his faith ever since. As a child, he went to Sunday School and later joined the church choir. He felt called to lead the youth group and share the Good News with people on the streets. He was taught in theology by Canadian and American Baptist missionaries at the School University Mount of Kenya in Rwanda. From 2008 to 2013, he was a missionary in Congo, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Kenya. In 2014, he was sent to Uganda by the Baptist commission to help the Baptist Church in Mbarara. He served there until 2021 when he moved to Denmark to be with his wife. Since then, his passion has been evangelizing Europe. He has preached in many countries, such as Sweden, Germany, France, Holland, Luxembourg, Switzerland, England, Belgium, Norway, and Finland. He is currently the Senior Pastor at Zion Temple Celebration Center in Lyngby, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Pastor John Bizomenya er fra Bujumbura, hovedstaden i Burundi. Han blev kristen den 10. maj 1994 og har været forpligtet til sin tro lige siden. Som barn gik han i søndagsskole og kom senere med i kirkekoret. Han følte sig kaldet til at lede ungdomsgruppen og dele den gode nyhed med folk på gaden. Han blev undervist i teologi af canadiske og amerikanske baptistmissionærer på School University Mount of Kenya i Rwanda. Fra 2008 til 2013 var han missionær i Congo, Rwanda, Tanzania og Kenya. I 2014 blev han sendt til Uganda af baptistkommissionen for at hjælpe baptistkirken i Mbarara. Han tjente der indtil 2021, hvor han flyttede til Danmark for at være sammen med sin kone. Siden da har hans passion været at evangelisere Europa. Han har prædiket i mange lande, såsom Sverige, Tyskland, Frankrig, Holland, Luxembourg, Schweiz, England, Belgien, Norge og Finland. Han er i øjeblikket seniorpræst ved Zion Temple Celebration Center i Lyngby, København, Danmark.
ASAPH Choir will be ministering this year. They are a dynamic, anointed, and joyful choir. They will minister to us and to GOD at EXPLOITS2024. Please join them to worship God.
ASAPH Choir er en dynamisk, salvet og glad korgruppe. De vil tjene os og GUD ved EXPLOITS2024. Vær venlig at slutte sig til dem for at tilbede Gud.
Oleg Pletnyakov was born in Ukraine! In 1991, the devil deceived him with an ambition to become the leader of the criminal world of Ukraine. He was also hooked on heroin from the first injection! For 21 long and dark years he was slowly dying! But in 2012, he got saved! In 2013, he was baptized in Ukraine and became a minister of the central Pentecostal Church of Christ the Savior in the city of Lutsk! For the last 11 years of his changed life he has seen miracles of saved souls and healings through his ministry. He shall be sharing the wonderful testimony of his salvation and deliverance with us at EXPLOITS2024.
Oleg Pletnyakov blev født i Ukraine! I 1991 bedragede djævelen ham med en ambition om at blive leder af den kriminelle verden i Ukraine. Han var også hooked på heroin fra den første indsprøjtning! I 21 lange og mørke år var han langsomt ved at dø! Men i 2012 blev han reddet! I 2013 blev han døbt i Ukraine og blev præst i den centrale pinsekirke Kristus Frelseren i byen Lutsk! I de sidste 11 år af sit ændrede liv har han set mirakler af frelste sjæle og helbredelser gennem sin tjeneste. Han skal dele det vidunderlige vidnesbyrd om sin frelse og udfrielse med os på EXPLOITS2024.
Pastor Femi Labeodan is a devoted child of God, and pastors the Redeemed Church of God (RCCG) Montrose Tabernacle for All Nations, Scotland. A retired nurse, midwife, counsellor and tutor. She passionately delivers the undiluted word of God. She is the visioneer of Encouragers intercessory ministry. She is dedicated to praying for and supporting orphans, widows and the less privileged. A septuagenarian that remains on fire for God, doing Exploits in different fields of life. As an active sportswoman, she serves as the chaplain of the RCCG Montrose women football club. She the author of the book, “Navigating Barriers”. She is happily married to her husband of over 46 years, they are blessed with children and grand children. You shall be blessed as she softly, and anointedly ministers the word of God at Exploits2024.
Pastor Femi Labeodan er et hengivent barn af Gud, og præster for Redeemed Church of God (RCCG) Montrose Tabernacle for All Nations, Skotland. En pensioneret sygeplejerske, jordemoder, rådgiver og vejleder. Hun leverer lidenskabeligt Guds ufortyndede ord. Hun er visionær for Encouragers forbøn. Hun er dedikeret til at bede for og støtte forældreløse børn, enker og mindre privilegerede. En 7-årige, der forbliver i flammer for Gud, og gør udbytte på forskellige områder af livet. Som en aktiv sportskvinde tjener hun som præst i RCCG Montrose kvindefodboldklub. Hun er forfatter til bogen “Navigering af barrierer”. Hun er lykkeligt gift med sin mand gennem over 46 år, de er velsignet med børn og børnebørn. Du skal blive velsignet, mens hun sagte og salvet forkynder Guds ord ved Exploits2024.
Precious Onorionde is a member of CODE (Child of Destiny) Denmark, she is a university student in Denmark, where she lives with her family. Precious enjoys using the beauty of words in expressing her awe, love and adoration of God in in poetic styles. Come and listen to Precious as she talks about TRINITY at EXPLOITS2024.
Precious Onorionde er medlem af CODE (Child of Destiny) Danmark, hun er universitetsstuderende i Danmark, hvor hun bor med sin familie. Precious nyder at bruge ordenes skønhed til at udtrykke sin ærefrygt, kærlighed og tilbedelse af Gud i poetiske stilarter. Kom og lyt til Precious, mens hun taler om TRINITY på EXPLOITS2024.
Exalt Olamibosi Daodu popularly known as E-Sax is a young Jazz Gospel Musician (Saxophonist), a teenager who loves God and who loves to praise Him with his skillful and anointed voice on the Saxophone. E-Sax lives in Boros, Sweden with his family. He is a student.
Exalt Olamibosi Daodu populært kendt som E-Sax er en ung jazzgospelmusiker (saxofonist), en teenager, der elsker Gud og som elsker at prise ham med sin dygtige og salvede stemme på saxofonen. E-Sax bor i Boros, Sverige med sin familie. Han er studerende.
Jens-David “Olasunkanmi” Olabode, better known as Olasunkanmi, is a Danish-born producer, songwriter and artist who through his many musical gifts aspires to spread the gospel to people of the nations.
You can listen to his song here: https://bit.ly/RainingOnMe
Jens-David “Olasunkanmi” Olabode, bedre kendt som Olasunkanmi, er en danskfødt producer, sangskriver og kunstner, der gennem sine mange musikalske gaver stræber efter at sprede budskabet om Jesus til folk i hele verdenen.